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Wellness Benefits Of Tea That May Surprise You

We’re uncovering the hidden health benefits of tea that may surprise even the most expert tea connoisseur. Read on to find out how tea impacts your social and mental wellbeing, while also making you feel good both inside and out. 

Hand-picked Tea

Tea has a long-standing place in history with many cultures turning to the delicious wellness drink for social and medicinal benefits. Picker’s Pocket loose leaf tea is grown and hand-rolled in Sri Lanka, where the history of tea dates back to 1824. Today, tea consumption is huge and it's the second most adopted beverage in the world after water! As well as a variety of delicious flavours, tea warms the soul on any occasion and is filled to the brim with wellness benefits.

For centuries herbal tea has been at the centre of gatherings, catch ups and rituals. Catching up over a hot drink brings people together, which in turn, makes a huge positive impact to one’s emotional wellbeing. Who knew that tea was such a powerful drink!?

Loose Leaf tea brewing


Unfortunately, the Covid-19 pandemic in New Zealand has resulted in longer periods of social isolation, increased stress, and overall disruption to our daily lives. It’s been proven that social isolation can lead to reduced immune function as well as a higher risk for heart disease and stroke. We don’t know about you, but with Covid restrictions easing across the globe, we can’t think of a better way to celebrate than by expanding our bubbles to family and close friends to enjoy a freshly brewed cuppa.

Loose Leaf Tea

Loose leaf tea is especially good for grounding you in the moment as it allows you the chance to slow down, unwind, and focus on the infusion process. From zoning in on measuring your tea leaves to taking in the aroma slowly drifting up from the cup, you’ll be left with little worry about the past or future; simply the here and now.

Next time you brew your tea try using this as a grounding technique - it can lead to some pretty amazing health benefits like increased blood flow, improved immune response and reducing emotional stress. The art of ‘slowing down’ and stopping to smell the roses (or the tea) has been one of the most positive outcomes of the pandemic - in our eyes. 

As well as stunning flavours and the warmth of good stories, tea brings a range of direct health benefits in every cup. Tea is packed with antioxidants that help boost your immune system and, studies have shown, even ward off cancer and heart disease. It's a natural anti-inflammatory which can help to soothe temporary aches and pains.

Hot or cold, tea is also just as hydrating as water so swapping a few glasses of water for your favourite cuppa will still help you reach your daily water goals which are vital for a healthy body and mind.

Varieties of tea

Different types of tea are well-known for specific wellness benefits. Green Tea benefits include elevating your heart health through its high levels of flavonoids, by lowering bad cholesterol and also reducing blood clotting. It’s also been said that green tea is great for your skin and prevents premature ageing - now that’s something we can get around! If you’re looking for a green tea that you’ll never tire of, you’ll love ourClassic Green Tea. 

Ginger Tea has also earned itself a mention mostly due to its anti-inflammatory effects and its ability to treat nausea and morning sickness. Next time you’re experiencing nausea, headaches or general unwellness, reach for a natural alternative like ourPlantation Ginger Tearather than a Panadol.

If you're like us and you like to start your day with a caffeine hit, Black Tea gives you an energy boost similar to a cup of coffee but without that jittery feeling you can sometimes get from the high caffeine content. Try popping some

Black Tea Gemsin the bottom of your cup next time you need a natural energy hit.

If you’re new to the tea world or have been drinking tea for years, knowing the benefits to your mental and physical health will bring you even more pleasure per sip. Drinking tea from Picker’s Pocket isn’t just good for your own mental health but also helps us to support the Tea Leaf Trust who run schools in Sri Lanka that not only improve academic opportunities but also include an Emotional Health curriculum for the youth growing up on tea plantations.  

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