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Brewing Tea

Avoiding plastics in your cup of tea is like going on a little eco-adventure every time you brew!

Turns out, some sneaky teabags are hiding microplastics in their glues & mesh, so it’s worth swapping them out for something more planet-friendly. 

Opting for loose leaf tea is a fun way to kick the plastic habit, plus it feels a bit fancy when you use a strainer! And you can see those organic leaves infusing your fresh water.

And hey, not only does it taste better, but your compost bin will love you too. It's a win-win for your tea time and the Earth—what’s not to love about that?s. Green teas also have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects, while its moderate caffeine content offers a gentle energy boost without jitters.

Green tea is also linked to enhanced metabolism, better blood sugar regulation, and improved skin health.
